Saturday, August 4, 2012

I think I may take a short hiatus from this writing business and focus (at least for the next few days?) on music that breathes life into a lot of these empty nights. Nights that 'draw out like a long blade' as Red put it in Shawshank Redemption. Much of this stuff I find simply by digging around cyberspace, I don't really waste my time with vinyl, although that kind of digging is fun too. They come up to me with words of praise at the coffeehouse. They must really play a lot of crap in the bars and clubs. It's a great feeling knowing I have converted them to my cult of music taste. It would be cool to guest DJ, I think music can either make or break a small business, and it's important to set the right mood. Loud isn't always good. I found chill is always better, a 'less is more' kind of thing works best in trying to cultivate a social atmosphere. I play strictly what I listen to. Profanity and everything else. If it offends - it's obviously not for them. A butch lesbian was amazed the other night - "Is that Romeo Void?" their debut song, 'Say No' blaring in the tape deck. She was enthused. Like a strait man couldn't possibly like Riot Grrrl rock?! Well, Pre-Riot Grrrl in the case of Void. "Yes, yes it is" I reply to her through clenched teeth, as I'm reloading coffee hoppers. Her smile carries over into check-out time. Cobain once said he would have been, '...proud to have been a New Waver back in the 80s' during a chat with Much Music Interview. Thought the Wave really broke down some walls, no pun intended. In which case, I hope the music I play does too. I just hate the impersonal nature of pop music and how dulled people have become to the Starbucks treatment. It's a total buzz kill. For good listening, see the post below.

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